Category: Network Security

  • FirewallA vs Next Generation Firewalls

    Comparison of FirewallA Firewalls and Modern Next-Generation Firewalls As cyber threats continue to evolve, the need for more advanced security solutions becomes increasingly important. FirewallA firewalls and modern next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) are two types of network security solutions designed to protect networks from external threats. While FirewallA firewalls are considered traditional, they remain popular in…

  • The Path to Becoming an Ethical Hacker: Skills, Steps, and Strategies

    In the digital era, cybersecurity has become a top priority for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. With the increasing reliance on technology, the need for skilled ethical hackers, also known as white-hat hackers, has never been more critical. These professionals work to identify vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks, helping to protect against malicious hacking…

  • What are VLANs and why are they important to Cybersecurity

    Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) are an essential tool for managing and securing network traffic. VLANs allow network administrators to segment a physical network into multiple logical networks, each with its own set of policies and security controls. In this article, we will explain what VLANs are and why they are important to cybersecurity. What…

  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Tool

    In today’s digital age, organizations face an increasing number of cyber threats that can have a devastating impact on their operations, reputation, and finances. As a result, security teams need to have an effective and efficient way to monitor and respond to security incidents in real-time. This is where Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)…

  • Advanced Persistent Threats and Why They Are Hard To Catch

    Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are a type of cybersecurity threat that targets a specific organization or individual with the goal of gaining access to sensitive data. APTs are not like typical cybersecurity threats, which are often indiscriminate and target multiple victims at once. Instead, APTs are highly targeted, sophisticated, and persistent. They are designed to…

  • Securing the Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of devices connected to the internet that communicate with each other and exchange data. This technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact with our surroundings. However, the proliferation of IoT devices has also opened up new avenues for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities and…

  • Network Security and Common Best Practices

    With the rapid expansion of technology, the concept of network security has become increasingly critical. Network security is the practice of protecting networks and their associated devices from unauthorized access, theft, damage, and misuse. The primary goal of network security is to ensure that sensitive data and information are kept confidential, available, and free from…

  • Palo Alto vs Fortinet Firewalls Cost and Performance

    Palo Alto Firewalls and Fortinet FortiGate Firewalls are two of the most popular firewall solutions on the market, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a comparison of these two products from a cost and performance standpoint: Cost: When it comes to cost, Fortinet FortiGate Firewalls generally have a lower upfront cost than Palo…

  • What is a DDOS and why do they hurt businesses?

    A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a type of cyber attack in which multiple compromised systems are used to flood a target website or network with traffic, making it unavailable to legitimate users. Attackers use a DDoS attack to overwhelm a website or network with traffic from multiple sources, which can be thousands…

  • Benefits of Next-Generation Firewalls

    As cyber threats continue to evolve and become increasingly sophisticated, traditional firewalls are no longer enough to protect businesses and organizations from cyber attacks. Next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) offer a more advanced and comprehensive level of security that helps safeguard against a wide range of threats. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of NGFWs…